VMworld 2014 Europe – Sunday

I arrived at Barcelona with some delay because there was a lot of traffic up in the air. Also this “traffic jam” causes a much longer delay at the luggage retrieval because it started 45 minutes after our arrival. A friend of mine got stuck at the Frankfurt airport and arrived in BCN 8 hours later than expected. Beside all of the problem we had at the beginning we have great weather in Barcelona but humidity is killing me, especially in the Metro stations. After some lunch with my Austrian friends we headed to the Fira to get registered for an awesome week of tech and talk.
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After registration was finished we went back to our hotel to get some rest before one of the best parties at VMworld kicked in.
vRockstar party is the unofficial pre-conference party organized by some really great people (Patrick Redknap, Marco Broeken, Robert Payne & Hans De Leenheer). Like last year it took place at the Hardrock Café, Plaça de Catalunya, 21 and was sponsored by Cisco, EMC, Nutanix, VMUG. This year the whole main floor was reserved for the party which was really awesome. The only thing what was not so optimal was the temperature and the noise level. If you wanted to talk to each other you had to get out of Hardrock Cafe or shout at people.
Here some pictures from the party.


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