VMworld EMEA 2016 – Parties, Gatherings, Events and more
Attending VMworld is not only attending an IT conference it is also a big networking event where you can talk to vendors, tweeps or bloggers. What will be better for socialising than parties and gatherings at VMworld. I created a small list of parties, gathering and events going on at VMworld EMEA. Some of the parties can be attended with your VMworld full conference or guest pass and for some you need to register because space is limited.
Any Tips & Tricks for attending VMworld EMEA you can check out this post. There you will also find a tip for attending parties.
If you are a vendor or somebody arranging a party or gathering at VMworld please contact me on Twitter (@Fred_vBrain) or by e-mail (fred (at) vbrain (dot) info) so I can add your party/gathering to the list.
Andreas Lesslhumer over www.running-system.com will maintain a list of parties and events for VMworld 2016 in Barcelona too. So check it out! Maybe he knows from a party that is missing here.
Hi everyone,
When we’ll be 2017 update of this fine article 🙂 ?
I try to release the 2017 version this week so stay tuned.