VMware Explore 2022 Europe – #vBreakfast 2022 edition

After 3 long years of waiting please join me and many more vNerds and vGeeks for the #vBreakfast 2022 edition. As in the pre-pandemic years we will start on an unholy time, 7am in the morning. Unfortunately our go to location hasn’t survived the pandemic years and was shutdown permanently. That means this year we don’t have a #GrumpyWaiter. Maybe with the new location we will find new traditions. In the previous years with had always around 20-25 people who joined us very early in the morning to get some coffee, snacks and great talks.
For this year’s #vBreakfast I hope the attendance is similar or even bigger than ever before. Would be really great to start the day with a massive virtualization overpower before the VMworld General Session. #vBreakfast 2022 edition will be held at a new location which is also really close to the Fira:
Serrano Restaurante
Carrer del Plom, 10
08038 Barcelona
I have also created an Eventbrite event to have an overview how many people will attend #vBreakfast 2022 edition. Registration for the event will be open from Oct. 13th 10am until Nov. 7th.
There is no better way to get to know the community than with breakfast. Join me and many others in this growing yearly tradition of carbo-loading for an action-packed day on Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30. After that we have plenty of time getting to the General Session. So follow #vBreakfast on Twitter to get the latest information about the event.
I’m also really happy and thrilled to announced that Runecast will sponsor #vBreakfast for the forth time in a row. Here is also my personal “THANK YOU” to the whole Runecast team for their ungoing support on such vCommunity events. You guys are AWESOME.